Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Egg Baby Haunts My Dreams

This freaks me out.  I can't find a source.  A lot of babies are little eggheads, but not like this.

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Pop-up Book of Phobias, also Perfection

The Pop-up Book of Phobias
My hackles are up concerning the existence of The Pop-up Book of Phobias since I have an intense phobia of pop-up books which I only learned I have upon seeing this one.  It's inevitable that if I ever get within 5 feet of this thing, some slimy fish-headed beast with clacking claws and hairy spider-legs will jump out at me from under the cover like a monstrous Jack-in-the-Book.  Only -- unlike the creature in the child's toy, this nightmare would drag me kicking back into its lair.  Just looking at the cover, I can sense the creeps peering out at me from inside the "o"s.  That feeling of impending, inevitable doom.  This book radiates it, in its own ironic way.  It's a hipster Necronomicon.

That feeling.  That feeling is also why I can't play Perfection.  You know, the child's game?  Our children used to own that game.  And it went missing.  We never found it.  Maybe I hid it.  In the thrift store giveaway box.  At the bottom, underneath a sweater with a bleach stain.  What nightmares deserve.  Bleach.

Playing Perfection gave me the sensation that the universe was going to blink out at any moment, an espresso shot of anxiety which would rattle me for the rest of the day.  In fact, Perfection may have been designed specifically to torment people like me.  The entire premise of the game is that you, me, the player, are trying to bring Order to a Mess, and your Life is running out, Death is imminent, there is no time and you're NOT GOOD ENOUGH, there's an explosion of rattling yellow plastic and it could come at ANY MOMENT and it did and you lose and you die and would you like to pull yourself together and play again, sucker?

It's quite possible that The Pop-up Book of Phobias is simply a false cover fitted over an old box of Perfection which has a piece missing.  Maybe that's what I'm really afraid of.     

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Black Swan with Koi

Black Swan with Koi
When I saw this, all I could imagine was swimming in the cold, and what it would feel like to be treading water, naked legs kicking and sliding against the slick thumping bodies of a mass of swirling fish flesh... it would be a unique sensation. 

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Uncanny Canvases

frog-tongued frogmouth birds
Bethany Hildebrand has a knack for creating striking images.  Hildebrand, an artist from Panama City, Florida, produces work that is clever and disturbing.  In some paintings, she combines disparate animal forms in unsettling ways, whimsically cataloging the freaky denizens of a world of genetics gone strange.  Other paintings are visual puns, suspended in ooky atmosphere.  In her darkest pieces, she shows us realms of gurgling magic, sublime shadows and lurking predators.

All artwork copyright Bethany Hildebrand.  To see more of her paintings and to purchase prints, visit  

Dandelion People

jumping spider and zebra

owl cat and bat dog
***Gravy Rainbow*** Please link to us on your blog or website. @GravyRainbow

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Extra Crunchy?

***Gravy Rainbow*** Please link to us on your blog or website. @GravyRainbow

Friday, July 1, 2011


***Gravy Rainbow*** Please link to us on your blog or website.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


a glowing red crater filled with flames and fumes

A man-made door to hell in Turkmenistan which has been burning bright for sixty years.  One of the Cool Things in Random Places --

 ***Gravy Rainbow*** Please link to us on your blog or website.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cute Animal Overload


Have a great weekend.

 ***Gravy Rainbow*** Please link to us on your blog or website.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cute kittens -- not a trick!

Okay, I started off the week feeling a little belligerent -- see this blog's last few posts.  But I've turned the corner, and I'm in a much different place emotionally.  Today we're going to relax and watch kittens playing with a bell on the end of a string.

Now I know you're thinking "this is a trick."  If you know me, you  might suspect that this video is like five seconds of kittens playing, then a minute and a half of shocking images of sociopaths pulling the legs off of frogs, bloody underground dog-fights, hunters skinning squirrels, monkeys in a laboratory being sprayed in the eyes with deodorant, and grainy black-and-white footage of a soulless teenager dropping a bag of unwanted cats into the river under the Choctawhatchee Bridge.

Now if I were to make such a video, I'd justify it by saying "animals are mistreated cruelly every day and we ignore it, so if I have to trick you into looking ugly reality in the face by making you think you're going to see adorable baby animals and then springing images of gory chaos on you, then so be it.  You know, like I'd be making some kind of point.  But that's not what I'm up to.  Promise.  Pretty Promise.

So without further ado, here is a short video of baby kittens playing together that you can watch with the entire family.  It's adorable.  Honest. 

***Gravy Rainbow*** Please link to us on your blog or website.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

deer corpse

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